  • Article
  • Jun.28.2022

How embracing change is vital for business

  • Jun.28.2022
  • Reading time mins

"The only thing that is constant is change."


Change is constant and inevitable. The last two years alone have shown us that in order to thrive, we must remain adaptable – particularly when it comes to business. Although change can be an intimidating and even frightening prospect, it can also make your business stronger. Progress and innovation are impossible without change. Fortunately, an agile environment – once created through shifts in individual and organizational mindsets, along with workflows – can help your teams successfully navigate complex and ever-changing internal and external scenarios. But, to achieve this shift, your teams must first embrace a new culture.

Create a change vision 

Many people struggle with changes in their work environments (The shift to agility begins with leadership). While some team members may embrace your new approach, others will become detractors and resist. The latter is often the result of people feeling powerless and lacking autonomy in their roles. All employees want to feel that their voices matter – particularly when it comes to improving how they get things done. After all, they know the ins-and-outs of their departments and roles and have often spent years curating individual processes to get their work done. A change vision will help people – regardless of their position – align common goals that will be achieved by implementing agility. It will also help people imagine how a more responsive environment can improve their processes and provide them with the ability to choose to partake in the change. What cultural shifts will make their jobs more efficient and rewarding?

Support change leaders and implement feedback

Once you create an agile approach, you will empower team members by seeking their feedback and implementing changes based on their experiences. Some people may opt to be change leaders and help mentor others in their agile transitions at work. In fact, appointing a network of internal advisors and ambassadors comprised of agile-eager employees will help to engage others in embracing change through a common mindset. People will feel that they can participate in meaningful conversations and that they are actively choosing to take part in moving forward your agile transformation. This feedback is also a significant barometer in understanding where your implementation of a cultural shift is succeeding and falling short. Are there ways that you can better support your teams? Are outdated company practices or values creating barriers in cultivating agility?

Ready to embrace an agile environment?

We’d love to connect! Our Valiantys team can provide you with an agile teams and tools assessment. By doing so, we can evaluate your organization’s agile readiness, identify any impediments, and define the right path for your agile transformation.


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